Saturday, February 20, 2010

We were out and about and I took this photo out the car window. People stay up and out late into the evening and it does not become quiet until after 11:30 at night.

Locals bus

Buses ruled the roads in Bangladesh, This is a snap I took from our bus probably in Dhaka.
Tis the season for weddings. It is easy to find the homes of the bethroved because their entire apartment building will be covered in lights as you see here. This was very close to our homes in the Gulshan, an area that we lived in in Dhaka.

We are all home now but I will post some of the photos from my DSLR which I could not do without my computer.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Followers club meetings

Now that we are all back safe and pretty sound we are looking at
scheduling speaking engagments at clubs in our district. Andrea has
graciously offered to be the keeper of the calendar. We all want to do
programs, so ask Andrea to check the calendar and book us in. Sooner
is always better, but we will be available for awhile.,

From John's cell phone
805 798 0886

The first sign of corruption in a society that is still alive is that
the end justifies the means.
– Georges Bernanos, French novelist (1888-1948)=